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Lunch Lady magazine


lunch lady

Never has going back to school been more fun! I want to feed the girls nourishing, wholesome food, making sure they have enough energy to withstand the cold outside and keep their brains ticking over for the day but there are days when I open up that lunchbox and stare at it complacently wondering what to pop in. So when I discovered this new magazine that Kate Berry has put her heart and soul into I jumped for joy!

Eat Ya Disco LL

This colourful magazine is real, it’s dazzles with fun and it’s filled with doable and healthy recipes. I love it and so do my girls! In fact we made these super tasty peach pasties so quickly they were eaten up before they even hit the lunch box. And after making a second batch Helena took a few to school and her friends asked her to bring more back the next day!

Peach pasties

The magazine was recently published after the success of Kate’s blog which she started back in 2013 when her daughter was being bullied at school for eating a homemade lunch. Kate wanted to inspire parents to make delicious lunches for their children and she’s certainly done that. You can watch her launch video here which sums up why this magazine is so close to Kate’s heart.

Aunty Jade's Tomato Sauce LLRecipes such as chocnut butter which you can spread thickly on toasted bread, with berries and coconut, or Aunty Jade’s tomato sauce is perfect for pasta days, and then there’s the spread on energy balls which have now become a regular in our house. And did I mention the stickers they supply to decorate your bananas! The whole magazine is just bursting with foodie fun!

Healthy snack ballsAs well as scrumptious recipes, you’ll also find cool articles which reflect on parenting and family life. Kate says herself  it’s where ‘parenting is not taken too seriously but where a balanced approach to family life is’.

The 1970's Kitchen LL You can buy Lunch Lady online here. I cannot recommend this magazine enough. I’m definitely subscribing to the second issue when it’s released. The blog is just as great and so are the impressive images on Lunch Lady’s IG account.

Vanessa xx

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