Do you remember playing the game paper fortune tellers when you were at school? I had such fun with my friends in the playground excitedly opening up the prediction to see what we had to do – we wrote simple challenges like hop on one foot 10 times, or say a joke, and then there were the fun predictions like kiss a boy, do the splits or make bunny ears behind the teacher’s back! Gosh it was such fun!
We’ve been playing it quite regularly with the girls — it’s a great after dinner game. They love folding the paper, adding the numbers and writing secret predictions under the flaps. So when I saw this pretty Djeco set when I was in London I knew it was the perfect little coming home gift from me.
The set comes with delightfully patterned paper squares ready to fold, lovely stickers showing the challange and a colourful instruction booklet. The girls (and their friends) really enjoy this modernised set and there are new challenges for us all to do – like swap your shoes around, talk to the door or find an insect.
I bought this particular fortune teller set from Trotters in Chiswick but a similar set can be found here.
Have fun!
Vanessa x