Helena, my eldest, loves to read. But she’d rather read lots of shorter chapter books then one long one. When I found Claude on the Slopes at the local library I was thrilled to find a series I knew she’d enjoy. It’s rather like a picture book but yet it is over 90 pages long. It’s great for both of my girls as Florence sits just long enough to listen to it and Helena reads it in one night giving her a great feeling of accomplishment! Its witty illustrations make you smile and they had Helena hooked from the very beginning.
Claude on the Slopes is a charming book about the exploits of a mischievious dog who wears “a rather nifty beret” and his friend Sir Bobblysock. Each day when Claude’s owners, Mr and Mrs Shinyshoes, leave their house Claude and his friend pursue adventure. In this particular story Claude learns to ski but his silly escapades of snowball throwing cause problems on the slopes.
Helena loves these books and has since read Claude in the Spotlight and Claude Lights! Camera! Action! It’s easy to see why Claude on the Slopes has been shortlisted for Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize. They are such fun books!
Available from all good bookstores and online from Amazon (US) and (UK).
Vanessa xx