Both my oldest children are avid readers. Especially Sara is the kind of person who reads everything she can get her hands on: novels, series, educational books, newspapers, magazines, the back of cereal boxes — you name it. So recognisable: I was exactly the same as a child. (I always thought it had to do with the fact I am an only child, and reading a book is obviously easy solo entertainment, but that is apparently not the case!)
Pim is a bit more reluctant to get started in a book, but once he’s in, he’s hooked. He’s especially fond of series: currently he is reading Harry Potter for the 4th time, but he also loves series like Percy Jackson, Spy Kids, The Hunger Games, etc. It’s so fun to see Sara and Pim sharing their excitement over books and series!
Ava and Casper have also caught the reading bug. Casper only learned to read quite recently but he’s so in to it now. I love that moment when children suddenly discover the magical world which only reveals itself to the eye of the reader!
Recently I was asked if I could share my tips and thoughts on encouraging children to read. I have never really thought about it before, but it was an interesting exercise to sit down and write down my ten tips. I hope you find it useful (and as always, I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the topic as well!)
Encouraging children to read. Here are ten tips:
1. Read to your children.
Start reading to your children at a young age. Have your baby on your lap and look at board books together. Use an interactive style when reading: point out animals, help your baby turn the page. I find that tactile books are fun to read with babies (in our family, the Usborn series ‘That’s not my dinosaur/baby/hedgehog/etc’ is a huge favourite!). Activity / lift-the-flap surprise books are fun too (like Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell). The attention span of babies and toddlers is obviously very short, but don’t be discouraged. You don’t really have to read the entire story. Just see it as a flexible game, there’s no need to get through the book, or even the page! What counts is that your baby realises early that books are an important and integral part of your life.
When your child is a bit older, you can start reading picture books and short stories together. I like keeping a stack of currently favourite books in the child’s bedroom. Reading to your child before bedtime is a wonderful way to calm down and connect.
From around the age of 4 it can be fun to start reading chapter books. Slowly, the stories can become more complex and exciting. Involve your child in the story: ask questions (‘What do you think happens next?’). Explain new words and concepts. Talk about the way the characters behave, and use different voices for each of them. Let them be carried away with the story! Be not afraid to make things extra exciting — even a little bit scary!
Try to connect the child’s experiences and everyday life to the books you are reading together. When you see something which reminds you of a story, point it out to your child. And vice versa, when something familiar happens in a book, mention that to your child (‘Remember when we did something similar?’ etc).
When your child is starting to read by him/herself, do not stop reading to him! Involve him: follow the text with your finger, so he can see where you are. Let him read some words or sentences to you as well.
Keep reading to your children, all the way through primary school and beyond. Even teenagers love to be read to!
2. Book series. (Harry Potter!)
When your child is ready, read Harry Potter to him / her. I have read the entire series to Sara and Pim. It took me over two years, but I’m sure this has helped so much in getting them to become avid readers. By the time I finished the final book of the series, they both read the entire series again, by themselves. And after that, they were hungry for more!
I feel series are a great way to keep children motivated to read. Of course, you want to find out what new adventures your favourite characters are up to!
3. Cut back on screens, turn off the television.
We are pretty much a screen free family, which I am sure helps so much. Our children don’t have iPads or a game station to engage themselves with. We don’t even watch television very much (with the exception of wintery Friday evenings, when we don’t cook but eat yummy snacks in front of the television and watch a fun series of a film together).
When our kids are in need of some downtime, when they are tired or bored and when they want to be carried away on adventures in made-up worlds, they curl up in a corner and read. I’m not saying you should take away all screen, but cutting down on your child’s screen time will directly be beneficial to his/her reading, I’m sure of it!
Of course, it is important to realise that reading takes much more patience than the relative ease of being entertained by watching television or playing video games. So some extra encouragement and persistence might be needed!
4. Create a cosy reading corner.
Children generally like to be around their parents. I have given up on the idea of a playroom a long time ago — toys live in our living room, and so do books and magazines. We have a big and cosy corner sofa in our living room with tons of pillows and blankets. It’s a very inviting space to curl up and read, and still be part of the hustle and bustle of family life.
Creating a reading nook is fun. In summer, you can even set up some pillows and books outside. If your kitchen is big enough, it is a great idea to have a reading corner there as well.
5. Let your children choose their reading.
When your child hasn’t yet ‘fallen’ for books yet, do not give up. Keep motivating them to read — magazines, joke books, cookbooks — anything, really! I remember, when I was young, comic books were not considered good reading. But honestly, my children love comics, and if that is what is needed to get them to read — fine! Reading should be fun!
Motivate them to read something new as well. It can help to find reading materials that reflect your child’s passions and piques their interest — be it knights, sports, dinosaurs or princesses. Make sure the book is not too difficult — if it is beyond their reading ability, they will loose interest altogether.
Magazines can be good reading material as well. Our children each have a subscription to a (children’s) magazine. And each week we get a special junior newspaper edition which our kids love!
6. Have easy access to reading material at home
Surround your children with good and attractive books! Visit the library and go to bookshops. Take your time there. Look at books together, sit down on the floor, forget about the time. Being surrounded by books is such magic. Bring home books and be excited!
My children can each pick out a book when they get their final school rapport of the year, and it’s such a highlight for them. (Plus — it keeps them entertained when we’re traveling to our holiday destination!) They love getting book vouchers for their birthdays too.
I think it’s important for children to have easy access to books in different levels and themes. We have books in the children’s rooms and on display in the living room, there are piles of books and magazines next to our bed that we like to read from on weekend mornings… You honestly can’t get around books in our house!
7. NEVER watch the movie before reading the book.
It’s just the rule. (Each time when we finished a Harry Potter book, we watched the movie together. Fun!)
8. Make time for reading.
When schedules are full and lives are busy, make sure to carve out time to relax and read. Make it a priority! (This is not always easy for me, and I admit that the past year has been so busy that our bedtime reading has suffered. Not good!)
9. Talk about books, share your enthusiasm!
Share your own love for reading, and be interested and involved in what your child is reading. Talk about great authors and great illustrators. Discuss classics. Get crafty: create pretty bookmarks and ex-libris together. When your child has a friend over, read to both of them so they can share the enthusiasm!
10. Search help if needed
When you feel you have tried everything and your child is still reluctant to read, you might want to talk to a teacher, paediatrician or an education therapist. Perhaps there is a physical problem (hearing/vision) or your child has a learning disability and therapy can help.
Good luck!
xxx Esther
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